Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF)

Our in-house Manager guides our clients through the process of setting up, maximising and auditing Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) arrangements.

Take control of your retirement with a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF). Setting up a self-managed superannuation fund is simple with One Advisory. We have a specialist superannuation division that guides clients through this process. Once set up, we can then take care of the ongoing administration, audit and tax obligations whilst ensuring your superannuation fund remains compliant.

Establishing a self-managed superannuation fund

One Advisory makes establishing a self-managed superannuation fund easy. We ensure the solution is tailored to your situation. We help with all regulatory and statutory paperwork providing you with relevant advice along the way.

Self-managed superannuation fund administration, management and compliance

Our leading accountants streamline the process to complete your annual administrative, statutory and taxation requirements. This is always done in a timely and efficient manner. We ensure government regulations are met to give you peace of mind and ensure the structure of your self-managed superannuation fund is compliant. This includes, but is not limited to:

Preparation of statutory documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements

  • Collation of fund documentation from third parties
  • Lodgement of annual returns with the Australian Taxation Office
  • Business activity statement lodgments
  • Income activity statement lodgments
  • Investment reports
  • Management of the total superannuation limits

Tax-effective contribution and income stream strategies

We ensure your concessional (deductible) contributions are maximised. If relevant, we can also help ensure income streams are withdrawn from the fund to minimise income tax for both you individually and the fund.

Audit and actuarial certificate services

We liaise with an independent auditor and actuary to ensure all obligations are met and satisfied.

Self-managed superannuation fund strategic advisory

Our team will work with you to develop the best strategies to suit your financial goals.  If further advice is required, we will work collaboratively with your existing financial advisor or directly with the One Advisory Wealth Management team who are licensed financial advisors.

James Jarrett – Director

Joanna Zafiris – Superannuation Manager

08 8229 2200

Level 1, 104 Frome Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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